
Alfons L Ims: Curriculum vitae




Alfons Ludwig Ims

learned occupation:


studied occupation:

Mathematician (Diploma)

practicing occupation:

Adviser, facilitator and management trainer

Date of birth:

03.10.1949 in
Kaiserslautern, Germany



Family status:






1973 - 1980

Studies of mathematics, philosophy, history of art and political economy (development economics) at the University of Heidelberg;

1995 - 1996

Training in "systemic counselling" at the
Heidelberger Institute for Systemic Research





since 1980

Freelancer in adult education

since 1989

Freelancer within the area of management training, project management and organizational development



and selected single activities

1980 - 1996

Conceptualisation and implementation of seminars, workshops and conferences to (nearly all) topics of the north-south-conflict for: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, Deutsche Angestellten-Gewerkschaft, Stadtjugendamt Mannheim, Landesjugendring Hessen, Volkshochschulen, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe, Greenpeace, Evangelische Zentralstelle für Entwicklungshilfe, action medeor, and others.

since 1986

Facilitation, Organisational Consultancy and Management training in different projects of
Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit - GTZ -


·     Implementation of a PC-based programme for project management for the ministry of planning of Togo, Lomé


·     Implementation of a PC-based programme for statistics for tourism in Togo, Lomé


·     Seminar "Systemic thinking in projects of vocational training", Jakarta, Indonesia

1996 - 1997

·     Training course " conflict management " and activity for the sector project LISTRA of the GTZ


·     Training course "negotiation and communication". GTZ, at
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania


·     Moderation of a planning workshop for GTZ-Tool Room project, India

1997 - 2001

·     Moderation of a several planning workshops for different dept. in GTZ headquarter, Eschborn


·     Moderation of a planning workshop for vocational education, GTZ, Ljubljana, Slovenia

1997 - 1998

·     Coaching for a team building process for the department of vocational education in the GTZ headquarter, Eschborn


·     Moderation of a planning workshop for vocational education, GTZ, Gaborone, Botswana


·     Moderation of a planning workshops for the GTZ project: "Employment Services and Labour Market Policies" at Romania

since 1999


·     Training and consultancy for GTZ –“Pilot-Programme fort he Promotion of Environmental Management in the Private Sector of Developing Countries (P3U)“
        Sri Lanka

since 1999

10-1999 and 03-2000
05-2000 and 11-2000,
10 & 12-2001, 03 & 06-2002
07 & 11-2003, 03-2004
02 & 10-2003, 04-2004, 07-2005

·     Training and Organisational consultancy regarding Entrepreneurial Management for Vocational Education and Training in several GTZ projects like:
        Papua New-Guinea


06-2000 – 10-2002

·     Consultancy for GTZ-Sector project “Strategien für Systemberatung und Beratungshandeln in der Berufsbildungszusammenarbeit”


·     Moderation of a planning workshop „GTZ - Environment program Mexico


·     Organisational analysis and training needs assessment for Education Department of Kampala City Council (GTZ-Project)


·     Consultancy for GTZ-Project „Vocational Training for rural women and youth“ in Sri Lanka

08-2001, 08-2002

·     Conceptualisation and organization of training on „Skills Development for Employment Promotion“ for GTZ, Eschborn


·     Moderation of a meeting of the Sub-Sector Net Vocational Training in Asia, Colombo, Sri Lanka

02 & 04-2003

·     Consultancy an moderation of  “Workshop for Implementation of TVET-Strategy for Palestine” – GTZ-Project


·     Moderation of a “Strategic planning workshop for the business, technical and vocational Education and Training (BTVET) Sub-sector” in Uganda – GTZ, Project


·     Moderation of a meeting of the steering committee Fachverbund WBF, Asia at Bangkok, Thailand


·     Moderation of a meeting of the Sub-Sector Net Vocational Training in Asia, Bangkok, Thailand

since 1988

Regular preparation of employees of donor organizations within developmental cooperation at the Deutschen Stiftung für Internationale Zusammenarbeit  DSE at Bad Honnef (since 2002: I
Vorbereitungsstätte für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit der Internationalen Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH (InWent)

1988 – 2000
several times per year)

·     Tutor for Development Policy and World Economics

1993 – 2002
(several times per year

·     Seminar "Instruments and methods of counselling for cooperation"

1999 – 2002
(about 6 times per year)

·     Conceptualisation and organization of a training course: „Action field Organisation, Systems and  Processes in cultural Contexts“

Since 2003
(several times per year)

·     Conceptualisation and organization of a training course: "Design of cooperation relationships"

1990 – 2000
(once or twice a year)

Conceptualisation and implementation of seminars with representatives of trade unions and journalists at the UN-Organization at Geneva, especially at the ILO

1991 - 1996

Conceptualisation and organization of a data base (MEDOK) concerned with audio-visual media in the field of developmental policy for Gesellschaft für internationale Kommunikation und Kultur e.V. INTERKOM

1991 - 1996

Organization and implementation of several seminars and evaluations per year for CDG (especially in the area of telecommunication)

1992 - 2002

Associated trainer with denkmodell® Dialog Design, Berlin


·     Training course "Negotiation technique according to the HARVARD-Method", Training for managers (ITF) for CDG, Stuttgart

1994 - 2001

·     Training courses "systemic management" for CDG, Hamburg; DED, Berlin; GTZ (Lilongwe, Malawi; Zimbabwe; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Germany)


·     Training course "Moderation and presentation" for the management of the chamber of industry and commerce at Kattowitz (Poland), SEQUA, 1994

1995 - 1997 

·     Training course "Organizational development" 4 times per year for DED, Berlin

1995 - 2001

·     Presentation of several planning workshop for SEQUA- projects between chambers of trade in Germany and Eastern Europe (Latvia and Slovenia)


·     Moderation of a planning workshop in the framework of the CDG-program "Training on the Environment and Natural Resources Protection", in Ndola, Zambia


·     Moderation of a planning workshop for the use of new media (Internet), CDG, Harare, Zimbabwe

1998 - 2001
(once a year)

·     Training course "Systemic planning with Sinfonie®" for the Humboldt-University, Seminar for rural development, Berlin

03 / 1999

·   Moderation of a planning workshop for GLE Medicon GmbH

03 /  1995

as representatives of Germanwatch participation in the NGO forum to the World Social Summit at Copenhagen

09 / 1997 

Communication workshop: "Experiments and exercises to complex communication structures" for the Hamburger Berater Team GmbH

11 / 1997

Moderation of the Workshops: "Promotion of economy development in the Märkischen Kreis: Concern together for the development of our enterprises " for the society for the economics and structure promotion in the Märkischen Kreis

02 / 1998

Moderation of the Workshops: "Pilot Schools brainstorming on their inputs for the finally evaluation of the PHARE vocational Education and training reform of programs in Slovenia " for the Centre for Education and Training, Ljubljana, Slovenia

12 / 1998

Moderation of a meeting of experts for „NRW Tourisms-Initiative Bulgaria in Velingrad”, Bulgaria

12 / 1999

Training in communication and presentation for Chamber of Handicrafts Koblenz, Germany

05 / 2001

Training of „Function and Design of  Consultancy“ for Federal Institute for Vocational Training –BiBB–, Bonn

01 / 2002

Moderation of „Workshop on a strategy for internal Communication“ for Federal Institute for Vocational Training

04 / 2002

Moderation of a workshop on Conflict management at German School, Ankara, Turkey

09 / 2002

Moderation of an expert meeting on „Online Communities“ for Federal Institute for Vocational Training –BiBB–, Bonn

11 / 2004 - 02 / 2005

Training of a team of local Business Consultants,
Topics: Resource Management, Marketing and Finance and Investment Planning and Calculation
for AGEF,




German, English, French (basics)




Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bhutan, Botswana, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Croatia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Latvia, Malawi, Mexico, Namibia, Palestine, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe






 download as PDF-File: CV – Alfons L. Ims

imSystem, Projektmanagement - Managementtraining - Organisationsberatung, Alfons L. Ims
Letzte Änderung dieser Seite: 06 Juni 2004